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Why Study Maths?
Maths, like its good friend English, is a core subject at school, which we must all study at least up to GCSE level.
But maths is so much more than just a compulsory subject – the career possibilities can be endless.
Why study maths further?
It all comes down to what maths is.
Just as languages provide the building blocks and rules we need to communicate, maths uses its own language, made up of numbers, symbols and formulas, to explore the rules we need to measure or identify essential problems like distance, speed, time, space, change, force and quantities.
Studying maths helps us find patterns and structure in our lives. Practically, maths helps us put a price on things, create graphics , build websites, build skyscrapers and generally understand how things work or predict how they might change over time and under different conditions.
Maths lets us predict the future
For example, if I want to throw a custard pie so it lands on top of your head on a very windy day, studying the maths can help me work out the speed, force and angle I need to throw it to hit just the right spot. Or, more helpfully, maths helps me work out how long it will take me to get somewhere if I know the distance I have to travel and the speed I'm going.
In this sense, studying maths helps predict the future...
Maths is changing all the time – what will you contribute?
But it doesn’t stop there. As a subject, maths is also continually growing and changing, as mathematicians and scientists expand on what they already know to discover new theories and inventions.
Now mathematicians and philosophers have debated for centuries the exact definition of maths so we can’t claim to have nailed it ourselves. But we just wanted you to get the sense that there's more to it than long division…
What skills will I get if I study maths?
Maths is one of the best subjects to develop your analytical, research and problem-solving skills. Not only will studying maths help give you the knowledge to tackle scientific, mechanical, coding and abstract problems, it will also help you develop logic to tackle everyday issues like planning projects, managing budgets and even debating effectively.
What careers is maths good for?
Maths degrees
People with maths degrees and other qualifications can go into: accounting, medicine, engineering, forensic pathology, finance, business, consultancy, teaching, IT, games development, scientific research, programming, the civil service, design, construction and astrophysics to name a few. Specific job roles include actuary, business analyst, software engineer, technology analyst, information engineer, speech technology researcher, and maths teacher.
Jobs in the mathematical sciences - that is, careers that studying maths at university prepares you for directly - tend to be very well paid. The combination of a skills shortage and a growing need for maths skills means more and more employers are on the look out for maths graduates.
About a quarter tend to go on to further study, while well over half end up in full-time or part-time work, or do a mixture of work and study. Only 7 in 100 maths graduates are unemployed 6 months after graduating.
Maths A-level
A spokesperson for the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications says: "A-level maths is tremendously important. It provides a firm foundation for all scientific, technical, engineering and mathematical careers and a flying start for many other types of career, such as those in finance, medicine, agriculture … etc. The list is endless!"
What subjects does maths go with?
According to the Russell Group informed choices guide, Maths is a "facilitating" subject, which means that it will help you to study lots of other subjects and pursue lots of different careers.
Maths helps supports the study of subjects like physics, chemistry, engineering, IT, economics, business and biology which can also help with your maths revision.
But studying maths alongside an essay-based subjects like English or history can help keep your options open for more jobs and uni courses.
If you study further maths too at A-level, this can boost your marks in Maths and help prepare you to study a maths course at university. (FYI, you must study maths in order to take further maths).
What degrees and other qualifications do I need to study maths for?
Maths A-level is a must have for degrees in: physics, engineering, actuarial science, economics and, of course, maths, although you may need to study a further maths course as well to do this.
Maths is recommended or sometimes required for: computer science, accounting, chemistry, biology and life sciences, medicine/nursing, dentistry, business studies, management studies, finance, architecture, geology, psychology, surveying and even philosophy.
Some subjects, like medicine, require two out of this common gang of four subjects: maths, physics, chemistry and biology. So although you might not need to study a maths degree to progress, you must take at least two of the other subjects instead.
Maths is also crucial for studying advanced apprenticeships in accountancy and technology and engineering subjects.
Where can I find out more?
At Success at School:
On other websites:
- Wherecanstemtakeyou.co.uk - Find out more about what you can do with skills in maths, engineering, technology and science subjects.
- Mathscareers.org.uk - This site is packed full of advice for every stage of your education. Have a go at their career quiz and see where your maths skills could take you.
- Is further maths A-level for me? Undecided? maybe this flow chart can help you figure it out.
- GCSE Bitesize maths revision A great website for students who need maths help.