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Banking & Finance

Think you’ve got money smarts? A career in banking and finance might just be the best investment you can make for your future!

What is banking and finance?

🏧 What is retail or high-street banking?

Retail banking refers to your local high-street banks where everyday people manage their savings, loans, and mortgages. It's all about personal finance.

💷 And commercial banking?

Commercial banking focuses on providing financial services to businesses, like loans, treasury services, and cash management, helping them thrive and grow.

💸 How about finance?

Finance involves managing money, investments, and assets, ensuring individuals and businesses can grow their wealth while navigating risks and opportunities.

🔗 How are they linked?

Retail and commercial banking connect through the services offered; retail banks help individuals, while commercial banks assist businesses, all under the finance umbrella.

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What jobs can I do?

Customer advisor

As a customer advisor, you’ll support clients with their banking needs, from everyday transactions to financial advice, making money management easier for everyone.

Fund manager

A fund manager oversees large investments, like pension funds or insurance portfolios, making decisions to maximise returns while managing risk for their clients.

Investment analyst

Investment analysts research and assess stocks and financial trends to advise traders, helping predict performance and informing smart investment decisions.

Risk manager

Risk Managers identify potential financial risks and create strategies to mitigate them, ensuring companies can weather financial storms and make informed choices.


Stockbrokers help clients buy and sell shares in the stock market, offering guidance on investments and making transactions to maximise profits.


Traders buy and sell stocks, commodities, and currencies for clients, making quick decisions to capitalise on market trends and fluctuations.

What skills do I need?

🦁 Confidence

Confidence is key in banking and finance; whether you’re advising clients or making tough decisions, being self-assured helps you excel in your role.

📞 Customer service

Strong customer service skills are vital for creating positive client experiences, especially in retail banking, where face-to-face interactions are common.

📈 Data analysis

Data analysis is crucial for making informed financial decisions. Understanding trends and numbers helps you predict market movements and advise clients effectively.

🖖 Logical thinking

Logical thinking allows you to approach problems systematically, essential for assessing risks and making sound financial decisions in a fast-paced environment.

📚 Research

Research skills are essential for investment analysts and traders alike, helping you uncover insights and trends that inform investment strategies and decisions.

How can I start a career in banking and finance?

🛠️ What apprenticeships can I do?

Explore schemes like financial services customer advisor (level 2), investment operations administrator (level 2) and financial services professional (level 6) apprenticeships.

🎓 Is uni an option?

Absolutely! A university degree opens doors in banking and finance, especially in subjects like maths and economics, equipping you for various roles.

⭐ How can I stand out?

To stand out, develop skills like analytical thinking, networking, and customer service. Internships and networking can also boost your profile in the industry.

What qualifications can I get?

What degree options do I have?

Consider degrees in finance, economics, or business. These subjects prepare you for the analytical demands of banking and finance roles.

What qualifications can I get through an apprenticeship?

Apprenticeships offer qualifications like the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) and Certificate in Mortgage Advice and Practice (CeMAP), enhancing your career prospects.

5 fun facts you didn’t know

Cheques are at least 350 years old!

The oldest-known cheque dates back to 16 February 1659.

The world’s oldest bank is over 500 years old!

Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena was established in Italy in 1472 and is still in operation today.

The London Stock Exchange is one of the world’s oldest

More than 300 years old, the LSE is one of the oldest stock exchanges in the world.

Seven in 10 Brits use mobile banking

70% of Brits with bank accounts used mobile banking in the first half of 2023. That rises to 85% of 18-24 year olds!

Only 14% of UK payments use cash

In the UK, cash payments dropped from over half in 2012 to just 14% in 2022!

Need more info? Ask an Apprentice

Considering an apprenticeship in this area of work? Or just unsure about uni? Our Ask an Apprentice community is made for you! Be mentored and chat with real apprentices, get application tips, and ask all your burning questions through our new platform.