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Marine biologist

Marine biologists study plants, animals and micro-organisms that live in the sea. Their findings help us to manage and protect marine life, monitor environmental damage and explore ways to make safe use of the ocean’s resources.

Work activities

Marine biologists study and carry out research into all aspects of marine life. They often use sophisticated technology, such as submersible vehicles, satellite tracking technology and electron microscopes to investigate marine ecosystems. They analyse their results using statistical packages and Global Information System software. Some marine biologists are involved in pure research, for example, studying and mapping marine populations. Their findings help to build up a national and international picture of marine life, and how it changes and is affected by environmental factors. Long-term studies investigate effects of climate change on oceanographic processes, and their effects on habitats and species.

Other marine biologists apply their knowledge to solving problems, especially in conservation and protecting endangered species. For example, marine biologists play a vital role in protecting fish populations from pollution and over-fishing. They try to gain a biological and ecological understanding of fish populations, enabling them to work out how many fish we can take from the oceans while ensuring that the population is not endangered. This involves studying factors such as migration patterns, breeding behaviour and the fish’s natural predators. Marine biologists working in laboratories can study fish stocks at larval, immature and mature stages by taking samples at sea and studying them under laboratory conditions. Some marine biologists work in environmental impact assessment. They examine the impact on biodiversity in coastal zones of activities such as port development, commercial fishing, renewable energy site development, sea defence construction and sewage treatment. To monitor pollution, they sample and test water in the laboratory. Some marine biologists study climate change or the development of new methods to tackle pollution.

We farm some species of marine and freshwater life, such as salmon and shellfish. Marine biologists’ research can help fish farmers to achieve maximum production and efficiency by ensuring fish have the correct amount and type of food, and that captive conditions encourage growth. A huge number of organisms live in the seas and oceans; many have benefits for humans. For example, biologists have found anti-cancer compounds in some types of sponge. There is a continuing need to find out more about the medicinal properties of marine life. Marine biologists present their findings in reports, scientific journals and at conferences. These findings help government departments to negotiate and set fishing quotas, and to develop and enforce pollution regulations. Marine biologists also help the government to give food safety advice to the public. In some posts, marine biologists spend periods of time working in the field, either on the coasts or at sea, but they also have to spend time in the office, writing up their work for publications and writing proposals to secure funding for new research.

Personal qualities and skills

To be a marine biologist, you’ll need:

  • To be accurate and methodical in field and laboratory work.
  • Patience to repeat experiments several times.
  • Analytical and problem-solving skills.
  • Strong team skills, especially when working at sea. You must also be able to work on your own for long periods.
  • The ability to explain results clearly and concisely, including in written reports.
  • To know how to use statistics and other mathematical methods to analyse experiments.
  • The ability to use a wide variety of equipment and technology, including computers.

An interest in conservation is an advantage in many areas of marine biology. Physical fitness is an advantage for sample and data gathering expeditions.

Pay and opportunities

Salaries for marine biologists vary. Marine biologists earn in the range of £24,000 per year, up to £40,000 with experience.

Marine biologists usually work 38-40 hours a week, but not necessarily during normal office hours, especially when working in the field.

The Natural Environment Research Council, environmental consultancies, sea life centres and aquaria, university research departments, fisheries and fish farms employ marine biologists. Government departments, such as the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) can have research posts. Opportunities for marine biologists occur in towns, cities and rural/coastal areas throughout the UK.

Some marine biologists set up their own businesses, working as consultants. For example, they might carry out field survey work or environmental monitoring for national agencies, port authorities and fisheries committees.

Where are vacancies advertised?

Vacancies are advertised in national/local newspapers, on the Civil Service jobs website, and in science magazines such as New Scientist (which also has job vacancies on its website). Jobs related to marine conservation sometimes appear on environmental job boards such as Environmentjob.

Entry routes and training

Usual entry is with at least a relevant first (undergraduate) degree. There are specialist degrees in marine biology (sometimes with freshwater biology). Some universities combine marine biology with related subjects such as zoology and oceanography. A number of sandwich degree courses are also available. Entry is also possible with a degree in a related subject, such as biology, zoology, oceanography or biochemistry. Some universities offer degree courses with a foundation year. This is an extra year for students who don’t have the specified science A-levels for entry. Entry may be possible with a relevant HND or foundation degree, although this will usually be into a technician-level post. For some jobs, particularly research posts in higher education, you’ll need a postgraduate qualification. Before entry to a career in marine biology, you can develop skills through relevant work experience. This could be either paid or voluntary, for example, with a conservation body, local aquarium, or scientific or natural history club/society.

Another way into this career path could be a level 7 (degree) apprenticeship in the role of research scientist. This is a more work-based pathway this career path – you will work towards academic qualifications alongside working a paid job.

The Marine Biological Association runs educational activities, including seminars, conferences and workshops to help with marine biologists’ continuing professional development.

Some experienced marine biologists run their own businesses as consultants. For example, they carry out field survey work and environmental monitoring for oil companies, national agencies, port authorities and fisheries committees.


For entry to a degree in marine biology, the usual requirement is:

  • Two to three A-levels, including biology. Many universities ask for at least one other science subject, often chemistry.
  • GCSEs at grade 9-4 in your A-level subjects.
  • A further two to three GCSEs at grades 9-4, including English and maths.

However, course requirements vary, so please check prospectuses carefully.

Adult opportunities

Age limits: It is illegal for any organisation to set age limits for entry to employment, education or training, unless they can show there is a real need to have these limits.

Some entrants have developed skills and knowledge during relevant fieldwork in a marine environment.

If you don’t have the qualifications needed to enter a degree, foundation degree or HND course, you might be able to start one after completing an Access course, for example, Access to Science. You don’t usually need any qualifications to enter an Access course, although you should check this with the course provider. A foundation year before the start of a science degree or HND is available at some universities and higher education colleges for students who don’t have the science A-levels usually needed for entry to the course.

Funding for postgraduate study and research is available, through universities, from UKRI (UK Research and Innovation).

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