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Astronomers study the physics of the universe. They investigate stars, planets, galaxies and other bodies in space. They use telescopes on the ground or in space, analyse data and use theoretical modelling to study objects. Astronomers also design and build new equipment to collect data.

Also known as:

  • Astrophysicist

Work activities

The origin of the universe and the search for life on other planets are just two of the topics that fascinate and inspire astronomers. Space is like a giant laboratory – it gives astronomers the opportunity to study physical processes, laws and phenomena in conditions that don’t naturally exist on Earth. For example, the universe contains very strong magnetic fields, black holes, and extremes of heat and cold. Precise observations are essential to astronomy. Astronomers use telescopes, both on Earth and in space, to observe the universe and to take measurements. As new, larger and more sensitive telescopes and detectors are developed, astronomers can examine the cosmos in more detail.

Astronomers use different telescopes to study different phenomena. Optical telescopes collect light; the largest ones have mirrors more than 10 metres across and some under development will have mirrors of 40 metres in diameter. Astronomers use telescopes like this to study galaxies more than 10 billion light years away. Infrared telescopes allow astronomers to look at warm objects like young stars that are shrouded in dust.

Astronomers apply to use a particular telescope, stating exactly what they want to observe and hope to learn. If their application is successful, the astronomer is given observing time. This can mean travelling to spend time at an observatory. The best sites for telescopes are far from centres of population and light pollution, on high mountains above the lower layers of the Earth’s atmosphere. Increasingly, staff at observatories program the telescope and send the results to the astronomer electronically.

An astronomer’s typical day is office-based. Most work in universities as academic staff, where they combine research with planning observations, analysing data, teaching, preparing lectures and marking students’ papers. Astronomers usually work in teams, which can include astronomers from different countries. Team members are often specialists, for example, in observational astronomy or theoretical modelling. Apart from travelling to make observations, astronomers also go to international conferences to share and discuss their ideas.

Personal qualities and skills

To be an astronomer, you’ll need:

  • Very strong knowledge of maths and physics. You’ll also need quite a lot of chemistry.
  • ICT skills - you should expect to spend a lot of time working on computers.
  • The ability to explain results clearly and concisely, including in written reports.
  • Patience, problem-solving skills, imagination and determination for research work.
  • An understanding of electronics would open up opportunities in designing and building equipment.

Pay and opportunities

Salaries for astronomers vary. Astronomers earn in the range of £16,000 a year, rising to £60,000 with experience.

Astronomers usually work a basic 39-41-hour week. However, they might need to have early starts, late finishes and weekend work.

Competition for careers in professional astronomy is strong, as there are relatively few openings in universities/observatories. Most posts are in university research departments and government-funded observatories throughout the UK. Many qualified astronomers find employment in other areas. These include government departments such as the Ministry of Defence, software development, teaching and research into aerospace and satellite systems. There are opportunities for astronomers to work in observatories and universities in other countries.

Where are vacancies advertised?

Vacancies are advertised through the websites of the Royal Astronomical Society, the American Astronomical Society and the Institute of Physics, in science magazines such as New Scientist (which also posts jobs on its website); on academic and scientific job board websites; and in national newspapers.

Entry routes and training

The usual route into a career as a professional astronomer is through a relevant first (undergraduate) degree. There are specialist degrees with titles such as astronomy, astrophysics, and physics with astrophysics or space science. Entry is also common with a first degree in pure physics or maths. Some entrants have first degrees in relevant subjects such as computer science, earth science and some branches of chemistry and engineering. It’s almost impossible to become an astronomer without following your first degree with a postgraduate qualification. This is usually a PhD. Some students take a specialist MSc before applying for a PhD, usually if their first degree had little astronomy content.

After completing your PhD, your first paid employment is likely to be in a postdoctoral research fellowship at a university or research laboratory in the UK or another country. These posts usually last between one and three years.

You may then look for a permanent job at a university or for other research fellowships. Competition for fellowships is very strong. Those who don’t manage to secure a fellowship, and therefore to continue along the astronomy career path, are still able to use the skills and knowledge gained through studying astronomy in a wide range of careers. For example, astronomy graduates and postgraduates have careers in software engineering, telecommunications, electronics, teaching and scientific journalism.


For entry to a degree in astronomy, astrophysics or physics with astrophysics, the usual minimum requirement is:

  • Two to three A-levels, including physics and maths.
  • GCSEs at grades 9-4 in your A-level subjects.
  • A further two to three GCSEs at grades 9-4, often including English.

Alternatives to A-levels include:

Adult opportunities

Age limits: It is illegal for any organisation to set age limits for entry to employment, education or training, unless they can show there is a real need to have these limits.

If you don’t have the qualifications needed to enter a degree course, you might be able to start one after completing an Access course, for example, Access to Science. You don’t usually need any qualifications to enter an Access course, although you should check this with the course provider. A few colleges and universities offer courses and degrees in astronomy / planetary science including at postgraduate level. You can check directly with an institution to ensure that the course content suits your interests and requirements. A number of universities offer part-time postgraduate degrees in other relevant subjects.

Financial support for postgraduate study and research may be available from UK Research and Innovation (UKRI).

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