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Ask an Apprentice Community! 

Launching on November 7th, 2024

Whether you're unsure about university or just curious about apprenticeships, our Ask an Apprentice community is made for you! Be mentored and chat with real apprentices, get application tips, and ask all your burning questions through our new platform.

Student - Why Join?

  • 💡 Get Personalised Advice: Ask questions and get honest advice from real apprentices, anywhere, anytime.
  • 🤝 Network with Apprentices: Network with current apprentices at top UK employers and other students applying.
  • 🎯 Make Informed Decisions: Learn how to stand out when applying for apprenticeships from people who have been there and done it.
  • 👻 Get Advice Anonymously: If there are questions you'd rather not ask your teacher – like what to wear to an interview – you can ask our mentors anonymously.
"When I was in Sixth Form, I was so confused, felt alone, but now, having the chance to give back to students who also feel like I did, I knew I wanted to be a part of it." – Iman, Mentor

⏳ Be one of the first to access our community! Sign up now for exclusive early access to chat with mentors and get ahead in your journey.

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