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Have you got any questions about a career in accountancy? Ask our apprentices for advice and tips on getting started.

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Can an employer lower the entry requirements for certain apprenticeship applicants e.g. applicants that...



 Banking & Finance

Are you interested in a Banking or Finance apprenticeship? Ask an apprentice your questions here.

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What type of skills and qualities do employers look for in applicants?




Want to know more about tech apprenticeships? Ask our tech apprentices anything, from application tips to day-to-day experiences.

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Do I need a lot of work experience to increase my chances of getting an apprenticeship?




Thinking about a law apprenticeship? Ask an apprentice for advice on applying and navigating the legal world.

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How to answer “Why commercial law” questions. 5 days ago




Curious about an apprenticeship in engineering? Our mentors are ready to help with your questions.

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Can I work in AI via an apprenticeship?



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