
Photo of a lightbulb

Nine ways Success at School can help you meet your Ofsted careers advice requirements

In September 2013, Ofsted made the assessment of independent careers advice provision in schools a top priority. In April 2014 they published their latest statutory guidance, with the emphasis...  

24/06/2014 | 0 Comments |

Photo of a man in a suit

How to attract the best graduates and school leavers with more than a starting salary

According to the High Fliers 2014 Graduate Careers Survey, the highest average starting salary for a graduate among the top 100 UK employers is £45,000. It probably won’t come as a shock...  

16/07/2014 | 0 Comments |

Photo of a room at school

Exams and league tables: are they the reason young people are not ready for the workplace?

We’re well into exam results season and I still remember very vividly the day I went to collect my A-level results. It was definitely a nervous experience, so I would like to say good luck to everyone...  

14/08/2014 | 0 Comments |

Bicycle parked against a wall at university

Don’t wait to be told to apply to Oxbridge, start asking questions now

On AS level results day, I arrived in my school assembly hall to find the brown envelope containing my results had a little note attached telling me to go see one a teacher in the next room. They sat me...  

18/09/2014 | 0 Comments |

Woman typing on a keyboard

How and why I use Success at School as a careers adviser

Careers advisor Lynda Mitchell tells Success at School why she recommends the site as a top online careers resource for her students. A few years ago, one of the main sources of information for careers...  

23/10/2014 | 0 Comments |

Woman on the starting blocks of a running track

Nonconformists, dissenters & rebels: helping students get a career in communications

Ogilvy & Mather Group UK is a communications agency that includes 10 companies, across a wide range of disciplines including marketing, advertising and public relations. Shannon Vaughan tells Success...  

06/01/2015 | 0 Comments |

Photo of a red brick university

Careers advice for students: Is university for me?

Twenty years ago, deciding whether or not to go to university was arguably an easier decision than it is today. You either wanted to pursue an academic career or you didn’t. Nowadays, the sheer amount...  

02/05/2015 | 0 Comments |

Barista making a posh coffee

How to find a student summer job

For most students, finding a job over the summer is a necessary evil – and you could end up behind the checkout at Tesco if you leave it till the last minute. Summer...  

12/05/2015 | 0 Comments |

Photo of an organised desk

How to prepare for a work experience placement

For many students, a work experience placement is their first taste of what it’s like to be in a real workplace. Understandably, you’ll be excited, maybe even a bit nervous and not...  

22/05/2015 | 0 Comments |

Photo of a computer and desk

Should I look for an internship or a traineeship?

After leaving school, most students either continue to study, or they enter into the world of work. If you’re one of those people who can’t wait to start working and become independent, then...  

27/05/2015 | 0 Comments |

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