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6 YouTube channels to help you revise
You’re probably aware that revision can be hard work. With all those notes and textbooks, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and lost under a pile of information. And when you’re under time constraints, trying to remember everything becomes almost impossible. Sometimes it just feels like you’ve run out of study techniques and it’s all notes, notes and more notes...
But don’t give up just yet! There are many different ways to revise. In fact, watching videos can be one of the most effective ways to remember what you need to know.
So, without further ado, here are six YouTube channels that will get you on the road to passing your exams…
'6 YouTube channels to help you revise'
For English literature
Site: Mr Bruff
If you’re stuck on how to write a timed essay or analyse that Shakespeare play, Mr Bruff can help you. Run by a qualified English teacher, the channel covers everything from in depth study guides to essay planning skills. There are even videos on how to effectively answer previous GCSE exam questions. To start out, check out the series on Romeo and Juliet or how to revise for your exams with origami (yep, origami!).
For languages
Site: Easy Languages
One of the hardest parts of learning another language is having a casual conversation. Easy Languages makes this process fun by recording interviews with speakers of different languages across the globe. This way, you can practice your listening comprehension while learning about a culture at the same time. The channel also has episodes on the technical side of things; so you won’t be at a loss when comes to grammar and vocab!
For maths
Site: Hegarty Maths
Covering almost all areas of GCSE and A-Level maths, this channel’s main focus is on solving equations in exam situations. From algebraic fractions to circle theorems, Hegarty Maths lays out some of the most complex maths problems you might face in an easy to follow style. Check out their video on how to “smash GCSE maths” to start out.
For sciences
Site: My GCSE Science
From photosynthesis to the periodic table, My GCSE Science is your one-stop shop for GCSE Biology, Chemistry and Physics revision. Each subject is split into a handy playlist, so all you have to do is press play and start revising. The channel covers all the basics so it’s a great place to get started when you’ve got a few months to go until your exams.
For physics
Site: DrPhysicsA
Physics is often considered one of the hardest subjects to revise for. But don’t let that scare you! DrPhysicsA makes physics revision easy. The channel is tailored towards GCSE and A-Level students, so just pick what level you’re at and get started. Or simply look for a concept that needs explaining and press play! Best of all, there is a whole section devoted to answering exam questions. That way, you can get all the practice you need before the big day.
For everything!
Site: CrashCourse
Run by two YouTube celebrities, this channel has some of the most bright and fun educational videos you’ll find on the internet. Although there isn’t a specific focus on revision, the channel does look at a wide variety of subject areas like Psychology and World History. This means it’s a great way to fill in the gaps left by school and revision. We’re particularly fond of the Ecology playlist.
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Image credits
Lead image by Rego Korosi