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DfE Praises Success at School as 'Informative' and 'Valuable' Resource
Recently the Success at School team met with the Department for Education to demo our site and show how our free platform is helping schools to meet their statutory careers guidance and RPA obligations.
We're pleased to say that the DfE were impressed with what they saw and have written us a very encouraging letter of support, singling out our ability to offer bespoke, secure careers websites to schools as a unique feature.
Success at School was built to support schools, we developed our own 'SCORED' system to test our content to make sure that we always deliver on that commitment, so we were especially pleased to hear that the work we do continues to align with the Governement's Inspiration Vision and policies.
To find out more about how Success at School helps schools and Local Authorities to deliver independent careers advice in the classroom - checked out our SCORED system presentation here.
And here's some of what the DfE said about us...
"It is clear that successatschool.org