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From bullet trains to bionic arms, engineers are the brains behind the coolest stuff we use every day.

What's engineering all about?

⚙️ What is engineering?

Engineering is all about using maths and science to solve real-world problems. Engineers design everything from apps to bridges, making life easier and more sustainable. It’s where big ideas become reality.

📋 What are the different kinds of engineering?

There’s loads to choose from: biomedical, chemical, civil, electronic, environmental, mechanical and software. Each one tackles a different challenge, from saving the planet to building the latest tech.

Need more info? Ask an Apprentice

Considering an apprenticeship in this area of work? Or just unsure about uni? Our Ask an Apprentice community is made for you! Be mentored and chat with real apprentices, get application tips, and ask all your burning questions through our new platform.

What jobs can I do?

Biomedical engineer

Make high-tech medical gadgets like robotic limbs and tools that help surgeons save lives. It’s like bringing sci-fi to life!

Chemical engineer

Turn raw materials into everyday stuff – think food, plastic and even renewable fuels. They’ve been behind huge breakthroughs, like clean energy.

Civil engineer

Design and build roads, bridges, and skyscrapers. They work with architects to keep structures standing strong, rain or shine.

Electronic engineer

Make tech smaller, faster, and more powerful. Without them, we’d still be using room-sized computers instead of smartphones.

Environmental engineer

Come up with ways to protect the planet, like systems that fight pollution or keep coastlines from washing away.

Mechanical engineer

Design all kinds of machines, from dishwashers to F1 cars. They’re also behind renewable energy tech like wind turbines.

Software engineer

Create the apps and software that run our lives. Whether it’s your favourite game or AI tech, they make it happen.

What are the top skills?

🔬 Analytical thinking

Break down tricky problems and find smart solutions. Think detective vibes, but with data.

🔎 Attention-to-detail

Spot tiny mistakes that could mess up a whole project. It’s crucial when coding apps or designing buildings.

💬 Communication

Share big ideas with teammates, clients and other experts. Being able to explain things simply keeps projects on track.

🖌️ Creativity

Dream up new products, fresh designs and wild solutions to everyday problems. It’s how innovation happens.

🧐 Problem solving

Tackle challenges head-on and think fast to find solutions. Whether it’s fixing a glitch in a code or designing a stronger bridge, problem-solving skills keep projects moving forward.

How can I start a career in engineering?

🛠️ What apprenticeships can I do?

Go for apprenticeships like level 6 robotics engineer or level 7 tunnel engineer. You’ll get hands-on experience, earn a qualification and skip the student debt.

🎓 Is uni an option?

Yep, uni is a solid choice. Look into courses like mechanical engineering, computer science or electrical engineering. MEng takes you straight to a master's level; BEng is the starting point.

⭐ How can I stand out?

Get real-world experience with internships or side projects, join engineering clubs and keep up with tech trends. A killer portfolio can make you shine.

What qualifications can I get?

What degree options do I have?

You’ve got options: BEng, MEng or a PhD if you want to go super deep. Popular degrees include civil engineering, aerospace engineering and environmental engineering.

What qualifications can I get through an engineering apprenticeship?

Apprenticeships can get you qualifications like EngTech (engineering technician), IEng (incorporated engineer) or CEng (chartered engineer). You can even get a BEng or even MEng with a degree apprenticeship.

5 fun facts you didn’t know

Engineers will put a human on Mars

NASA is working on sending humans to Mars by the 2030s, and engineers will make it happen.

The future of cities could be on the oceans

Marine engineers might soon design cities that float on the ocean, powered by waves. Sounds like something out of Black Mirror, right?

The Tube dates back to 1863

The London Underground is the world’s oldest metro! Imagine travelling to work in an underground steam train!

The world’s tallest building is nearly 1 km high

Dubai’s Burj Khalifa is 838-metres tall – not far off a kilometre! It’s been the world’s tallest building since 2010.

You can see a 5,000-year-old engineering feat right here in the UK

Stonehenge may have been built as early as 3000 BC – making it older than the Pyramids and the Great Wall of China!

Need more info? Ask an Apprentice

Considering an apprenticeship in this area of work? Or just unsure about uni? Our Ask an Apprentice community is made for you! Be mentored and chat with real apprentices, get application tips, and ask all your burning questions through our new platform.