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60 Second Interview – Online editor, fashion retailer
Emma has been fascinated by fashion ever since she first picked up a copy of Vogue as a child. Now she's living the dream working as an online editor for fashion retailer Jules B. In this interview, she talks about how to get a job in fashion.
Name: Emma Burke
Company: Jules B
Industry: Fashion
Job title: Online editor
How long have you been in the job? 9 months
Degree: Fashion Communication, Northumbria University
A levels: English literature, media studies and graphic design
What inspired you to work in the fashion industry?
I have always found fashion intriguing from a young age, I probably picked up a copy of Vogue when I was about 12 or 13 and from then I was hooked on high-end fashion.
Do you think your degree helped you to get your current role?
Definitely. I came to Jules B as an intern to try and get some experience in a role I was interested in as part of my degree. I became aware of the company because of my course, so I think it played a big part.
Did you do any work experience or internships during your time studying?
I got as much experience as I could while I was studying, I went to brands in London during London Fashion week, helped out at as many local fashion events as I could and I did a three-month editorial placement at Jules B.
Do you think this has helped you in your current position?
Getting plenty of experience certainly helped me in my current role. It makes you aware of all the different departments that work together to run a fashion business. You also get the chance to try out different areas of the industry to find out where your interests lie.
What does a typical day at work look like?
A lot of the day is taken up making sure that products are showing online correctly; we describe each product individually which is time consuming but really important to optimise sales for the company. We also create blog content, research competitors and deal with any issues that crop up on the website.
What is the best part of your job?
It’s always exciting when collections arrive for the new season, it’s usually the busiest time as well so there’s a lot to do and you get to promote really exciting clothes from lots of different designers.
What is the most challenging aspect of your job?
There’s usually a time crunch so you have to make sure that you work quickly and efficiently and co-ordinate with each department to use your time effectively.
When there is a lot of stock to get online it can be daunting.
What advice would you give to young people who are interested in breaking into the fashion industry?
I would advise them to get as much experience as they can as it will really benefit them when it comes to finding a job post-graduation. It’s important as an individual so that you know what role you want to end up doing but also for your employer so they know you have some experience under your belt and are passionate about the position.
What could a young person do to improve their chances of finding a role in the industry?
I think getting as much experience as you can and making sure you use the experience to work out what you are really good at and what you are passionate about.
Where would you like to be in five years’ time?
It’s hard to say really but I would definitely still like to be working in the online/fashion/e-commerce sector as it’s constantly evolving and changing.
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