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7 of the best free online revision tools
When revision time comes around, it’s always handy to have a few tricks up your sleeve to help you understand and memorise all the different facts and formulas you’ll need.
And thankfully, there are lots of useful revision apps, sites and even a few games online to help us train our brains and test our knowledge.
'7 revision tools you can't do without'
We’ve trawled the Internet to find the best free revising tools to help you get the most out of your revision.
1. Flashcard+ and Quizlet
Save paper and the pain of trying to decipher your handwriting with a flashcard app. Look for a version like Flashcards+ (iOS), which lets you create your own cards or import existing sets through Quizlet, a brilliant community site for students to share study notes.
2. BBC Bitesize
BBC Bitesize breaks down subjects into handy smaller chunks (there’s a clue in the name here..) and lets you revise topics, watch video summaries, complete activities and test yourself as you go. The site covers subjects from Key Stage 1 to GCSE.
3. Revision planning apps
A big part of revision is getting organised and keeping track of your study. You can create a colourful revision timetable with the help of Get Revising, which will even suggest a schedule for you to follow.
4. Khan Academy
The Khan Academy YouTube channel includes video tutorials and tests in maths, science, economics, computing and history. It's a great tool for getting to grips with the basics or taking on advanced study for extra credit.
5. Spark Notes
Explore English Literature texts, watch video summaries and study a host of other subjects with popular study notes site Spark Notes. Try out No Fear Shakespeare, which puts the original text side by side with a modern translation to help you pick up the story and translate new words as you go.
6. Sparx Maths
According to Sparx Maths, just one hour of personalised homework per week is proven to improve your grades. Some schools and colleges use Sparx Maths to create resources tailored to individual students. If you don't already use it, ask your maths teacher whether they have considered using Sparx or a similar tool to create personalised homework to help you get the most out of your personal study time.
7. BBC Brain Smart
Need a quick study break? Why not stay productive and wake up your brain by playing a game from BBC Brain Smart. There are fun games to help you boost your memory, remember chains of numbers, get motivated and manage stress. And all without feeling like you are doing any real work (we promise!)