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60 Second Interview: Media Culture and Production Student
Media Culture and Production student Shannon Minns talks to us about life at Southampton Solent University.
What course are you studying: BA (Hons) Media Culture and Production at Southampton Solent University
What did you study at school/college: A-Levels in Media Studies, Business Studies and Film Studies
Why did you choose this course?
When I was in college I knew I wanted to study media further however I was still unsure of the specific area I wanted to work in. A career in Media Culture and Production is quite broad but the course provided me with the opportunity to develop both my theoretical and my practical skills with the chance to specialise later on when I become more certain about the career path I wanted to follow.
Why did you choose this uni?
When I was deciding on a university I attended an open say at Southampton Solent. The atmosphere at the uni is very laid back, friendly and all of the staff and lecturers treat you as an equal. Going to university can be a scary experience and having such a friendly environment was really important to me. It made me feel comfortable straight away.
What are the facilities like?
The facilities at the uni are great! As a media student I always have access to a wide range of equipment to help with my projects that I can borrow at any time. On the course we also have access to professional-standard TV, radio and digital photography studios which have been really important in helping to produce good quality practical work. The Solent library also provides countless facilities including areas for independent study and places to work on group projects and presentations. This is accessible all week including late evenings and weekends which is really useful in the run up to deadlines!
What's the student experience like?
As somebody who isn’t really interested in the nightlife, I was really worried that I wouldn’t make many friends at university but this wasn’t the case. Most class sizes are quite small and my course in particular involves a lot of group work so it is easy to start making friends very early on. If you are interested in the nightlife there are plenty of places to go around Southampton including restaurants, bars and clubs.
Best thing about studying at your uni?
For me, the best thing is the projects that you get to take part in. The uni are really keen on boosting your employability so they are constantly challenging you. In the practical units you work with clients to create something for local businesses and networks. This is always really exciting because you have loads of fun, learn lots of new skills and at the end of it, it can all go on your C.V.
Have you done any work-experience?
As part of my course it is required that you complete around 100 hours of work experience. At the moment I have taken part in small projects such as filming a Christmas nativity play for a local school and filming an under 10s football tournament. Over the Summer I hope to be going to London to complete a week’s work experience in marketing with a publishing company.
What are your future career plans?
In the future I hope to work in publishing and/or marketing – I am hoping the work experience over the summer gives me a stronger sense of the path that is right for me!
Any tips for students thinking about going to uni?
Definitely attend open days if possible! Most courses are 3 years and that is a long time to spend somewhere. You need to be able to see the uni for yourself and get an idea of the environment you would be living in and if it is right for you.
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