what types of work experience can i find as a year 12 student in the tech field

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1 illack (Software Engineer | Degree Apprentice | 3rd Year) 1 week ago

Hi Salah,Unfortunately I‘m not familiar with work experience for pre-apprentices, hopefully Iman may know. You should be able to google and find insight events/v short opportunities or you can directly email/call/message, HR Departments/recruiters at the companies you‘re interested in for a chance to complete work experience with them. Smaller the firm the more likely a response? (just an assumption). Email/Call your local software/hardware companies, I’m sure they may not mind giving you an insight day or meeting even, which is similar to what these big companies [link removed] case scenario is they say no, best case is you get the opportunity. You could also look for other apprentices you can find on LinkedIn who have insight events/work XP pre-apprenticeship in their bio, and ask them?For reference not many accepted candidates had work XP at my company. I definitely didn’t. So it’s not overly detrimental if you can’t find any.

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