Will a company offer support for someone who would have to relocate to their apprenticeship?

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Will they help you to find accommodation, perhaps student accommodation, or will this have to be figured out independently? Is it common for apprentices to do this? Is this something I can ask about at an interview?

1 illack (Software Engineer | Degree Apprentice | 3rd Year) 3 weeks ago

Hi, this is definitely a good question you can ask to recruiters or potentially to your manager👍🏾As an apprentice you’re viewed as a professional not a student as you know only study part time, so as far as I’m aware you are supposed to organise accommodation independently. In my cohort of 80ish degree apprentices, only 5~ (including me) lived locally, so I do think companies would have had this question many times before so there should be things in place to support finding accom, but you could propose you work from home for a short time to find/save money for accommodation, if you can’t find yourself in the right circumstances by the start of an apprenticeship - you can find shared accom on websites such as [link removed], in range of £400-1000/month (incl bills) depending on standard and [link removed], as degree apprentices aren’t full time students, you have to pay council tax. Normal university students don’t have to. Anything else please ask😊

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