If I want to do an consultant role in finance or banking. How would I start my apprenticeship process and application.

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How many tests would I have. How do I pass it?

1 Akshat (Wealth and Personal Banking | Degree Apprentice | 2nd Year) 1 month ago

Hi,I’m not sure I understand your question fully so I will try answer to the best of my ability. If you have any further questions, please feel free to reach [link removed] may sound really simple but, your apprenticeship journey starts whenever you submit your first application. I would browse the websites of all the companies you are interested in and apply to the ones that offer apprenticeships (the number of companies offering apprenticeships are constantly increasing)Different companies will have different application processes and will require you to go through a differing amount of “tests”. I had to go through a 5 stage application for my apprenticeship. However, I know companies are constantly trying to streamline the process so this has likely changed. In terms of preparation, I recommend you research the company, their operations, and their values/beliefs. The application process is not built to catch you out on technical knowledge as they are aware you are a school leaver and therefore, you are not expected to have the knowledge of a veteran of industry. They are trying to assess whether the company will be a good fit for you and if you will be a good fit for the company.

2 Vxnya 1 month ago
(Original post by Akshat  1 month ago)
Hi,I’m not sure I understand your question fully so I will try answer to the best of my ability. If you have any further questions, please feel free to reach [link removed] may sound really simple but, your apprenticeship journey starts whenever you submit your first application. I would browse the websites of all the companies you are interested in and apply to the ones that offer apprenticeships (the number of companies offering apprenticeships are constantly increasing)Different companies will have different application processes and will require you to go through a differing amount of “tests”. I had to go through a 5 stage application for my apprenticeship. However, I know companies are constantly trying to streamline the process so this has likely changed. In terms of preparation, I recommend you research the company, their operations, and their values/beliefs. The application process is not built to catch you out on technical knowledge as they are aware you are a school leaver and therefore, you are not expected to have the knowledge of a veteran of industry. They are trying to assess whether the company will be a good fit for you and if you will be a good fit for the company.

Thankyou for your response.

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