Is there a way of narrowing down which law firms will offer work experience?

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I have applied to many, but none offer work experience. The majority were small firms in my area.

1 Hamza (Solicitor | Degree Apprentice | 4th Year) 2 months ago

There's a few providers that provide in-person work experience but this can vary based on who law firms are partnered with, the two best options are to get in touch with Early Careers/Graduate Recruitment at law firms as they'll have the most insight and/or look at Vantage which tends to have virtual work experiences that law firms have helped develop (firms on vantage include Linklaters, Norton Rose Fulbright and Clifford Chance).

2 Katielodge 2 months ago
(Original post by Hamza  2 months ago)
There's a few providers that provide in-person work experience but this can vary based on who law firms are partnered with, the two best options are to get in touch with Early Careers/Graduate Recruitment at law firms as they'll have the most insight and/or look at Vantage which tends to have virtual work experiences that law firms have helped develop (firms on vantage include Linklaters, Norton Rose Fulbright and Clifford Chance).

The work experience placement is a part of my sixth form curriculum, so it would need to be in person. This poses some problems, due to my age. Are larger firm more likely to take on students for work experience than the smaller firms in this case?

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