Experience / extracurriculars

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What kind of things did you take part in aside from regular work experience that you think made your application and interview stand out? Is there any websites or organisations you used that can help you gain experience? Looking for things to take part in to add to applications can be a bit overwhelming since there is so much out there!

1 Jordan (Solicitor | Degree Apprentice | 6th Year) 4 months ago

I think it depends what you call “regular work experience”. I actually had no experience in law at all - didn’t study it at A Level nor had I had any work experience in it. In my applications I highlighted skills I had picked up in other part time jobs like swimming teaching, bar work etc. showing transferable skills is really favourable. I also spoke about my hobbies such as the gym and how this highlighted my discipline, motivation and adherence to stick at my goals. There are skills in everything we do, try to seek out some and really emphasise how this could help you be a good fit for the role. Hope that helps ☺️

2 eliseamelie 4 months ago
(Original post by Jordan  4 months ago)
I think it depends what you call “regular work experience”. I actually had no experience in law at all - didn’t study it at A Level nor had I had any work experience in it. In my applications I highlighted skills I had picked up in other part time jobs like swimming teaching, bar work etc. showing transferable skills is really favourable. I also spoke about my hobbies such as the gym and how this highlighted my discipline, motivation and adherence to stick at my goals. There are skills in everything we do, try to seek out some and really emphasise how this could help you be a good fit for the role. Hope that helps ☺️

Okay thanks so much! I didn't know that you didn't need experience related to law directly so that really helps 😊

3 Hamza (Solicitor | Degree Apprentice | 4th Year) 3 months ago

Just to add to Jordan's answer- it also might be worth thinking outside the box and volunteering opportunities are always a great way to do this! Main thing as mentioned by Jordan is just to find something meaningful to you and think how that links to law and the law firm you're applying to (think employee networks, corporate social responsibility, areas of law etc)

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