Do Accountancy agencies prefer hiring Accounting Apprenticeships or graduates with a degree in Accounting

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1 Courtney03 (Auditor | Level 7 Apprentice | 3rd Year) 4 months ago

Hi T,I think this would depend on the [link removed] know that in my company each year we take on loads of apprentices and graduates and this year is the first year where the apprenticeship intake quota is higher than the graduates. Therefore I think firms are starting to appreciate and value apprentices a lot more year on [link removed] hope this helps!Courtney | audit apprentice | 3rd Year

2 Owura (Auditor | Level 4 Apprentice | 2nd Year) 4 months ago

Hi T,It really varies by company. Some prefer apprenticeships because they value practical experience, while others might go for graduates with a degree for their academic knowledge. In agreement with Courtney, I do believe that apprentices are starting to be valued more as they have the practical hands on experience combined with the academic knowledge. I hope this helps!

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