Can an employer lower the entry requirements for certain apprenticeship applicants e.g. applicants that stand out but maybe aren't predicted the entry requirements but are predicted close to them?

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Some students maybe close to achieving the entry requirements, so can they receive offers or do you need the entry requirements as a bare minimum to apply?
1 Courtney03 (Auditor | Level 7 Apprentice | 3rd Year) 3 months ago

Hi [link removed] I cannot 100% confirm this as every apprenticeship is different so it may also be worth reaching out to the specific firms you’re applying to gain assurance. However, I believe apprenticeships can sometimes offer lower entry requirements than what was initially posted, depending on a range of factors, for example some apprenticeship programs may be flexible in considering candidates with lower academic qualifications if they show strong potential in other areas, such as relevant work experience or demonstrated enthusiasm for the role. Employers may also adjust entry requirements during the recruitment process if they find applicants who may not meet formal criteria but show significant promise in interviews or assessments. Hope this helps! Best of luck! Courtney | 3rd Year Level 7 Audit Apprentice

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