Physics booklet action plan

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Hi Ambasssadors, thanks for contributing.

If you haven't seen it already, you can view our Physics booklet Action Plan here.

Teachers and career advisors will use this with students in class and form time etc, so we'd be really grateful if you could comment on the points below in order - if your answer is a simple yes to a particular question, that's fine, please don't feel like you have to go into lots of detail. Please bear in mind that the Action Plan will need to fit on to one page.

  1. Are the questions relevant and appropriate?
  2. Are any questions missing?
  3. Are there any questions we should remove?
  4. Is the tone pitched correctly? If not, why not and how should we change it?
  5. Do you feel it adequately includes all year groups, including Year 12 and Year 13 students?
  6. If not, how can we better include Year 12 and Year 13s?
  7. Anything else?
1 JHunter (Head of Careers) 7 years ago

The Action Plan contains relevant and appropriate questions, I don't think that there are any questions missing and I don't think that any questions need to be removed. I think that it has been pitched correctly and I think that it has questions that include all year groups adequately. The Action Plan is laid out clearly and it will be easy for the pupils to fill in.

2 Jamiegoodland1 (Editorial) 7 years ago
(Original post by JHunter  7 years ago)
The Action Plan contains relevant and appropriate questions, I don't think that there are any questions missing and I don't think that any questions need to be removed. I think that it has been pitched correctly and I think that it has questions that include all year groups adequately. The Action Plan is laid out clearly and it will be easy for the pupils to fill in.

Thanks @JHunter

3 lewiswright (Dev) 3 months ago

Test reply, please ignore

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