Deferring uni offer

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If students have been made an offer and they wish to defer to the following year to take a gap year, is this easy to do?

1 rparkinson 8 years ago

At Sheffield Hallam University, we would allow Undergraduate applicants to defer up to 1 academic year. We would require the applicant to e-mail this request to the Admissions Department providing personal details, UCAS/Student Identifier number and course. This will then be processed by our Admissions Officers.

2 EmmaL 8 years ago

At Edge Hill University, the deferment of a student’s place would depend on the course that they have chosen to study. For many of our programmes deferral requests are considered on an individual basis. Unfortunately, many of our Health and Social Care or Initial Teacher Training courses do not accept deferral requests. Due to this, the best thing for a student to do is to send their request to our Admissions Team by emailing [email removed] The student should detail the reasons for the deferral request along with their contact details and our Admissions Team will get back to them as soon as possible.

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