Junior Technology Apprentice

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Can you describe a time when you solved a technical problem, either independently or as part of a team? What steps did you take, and what was the outcome?😁

1 illack (Software Engineer | Degree Apprentice | 3rd Year) 23 hours ago

Sounds like an interesting question👀 One could approach this question with STAR… as that’s generally [link removed] - In my department we had an issue where manual Python code reviews on the Test Automation Repo upon merge requests, were taking too long and were delaying feature release [link removed] - Provide solution to minimise time/efforts required to review Python [link removed] - Upskilled on outlined best practices and code rules, which are referred to by manual code reviewers, by meetings with Test Automation QAs and reading internal documentation. Researched & brainstormed ways to minimise code review efforts [link removed] automated code checking script to run in CI/CD merge request process on GitLab, Custom Configuration of IDEs for checks as developers write code, clear communication of rule sets across department. I found that based on our Stack & development Practices - a combination of linting tools (pyLint, Darglint, etc.) enable the static analysis of Python code with reference to best practices previously outlined and the generation of a log report on improvements. I then wrote a script and updated our GitLab CICD pipelines to integrate the checks into our merge request processes. Once tested, I presented this back to QAs and Department Managers to highlight work [link removed] - This solution was successful as it significantly reduced efforts from mins/hours of manual review to <10 secs of automated review, as well as automatically communicating the information back to the developer who requested the change in the form of error logs and notification through GitLab to advise report is ready. This also enables developers to spend those same mins/hours on code development rather than reviews and communication/meetings, which in turns may save £100-1000s of pounds across department senior developer resources freed during feature release.

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