Posted by : Che_CC Time : 28/01/2025 14:35
Posted by : Che_CC Time : 28/01/2025 14:35
Would you start with a job that has greater responsibilities or something a little less importan?
Hi,This largely depends on the available work and how much work you want to take on. It's "less" important projects at the start, but you'll get whatever you can handle/balance with your university commitments. In my first year I did functional automation tests & a CI/CD pipeline script with the help of a Junior Dev, then worked on various pipeline projects individually in second year and automation tests again, and in 3rd year I've been working on an increasingly important project, which is a data comparison script between our legacy and current data [link removed]'d say this is fairly "straight forward" of what would be [link removed] I have a friend's who do more/very important work and know people who do less. If you can't do work, you always have other juniors and senior dev's to ask for help, plus there is plenty of support to help you get going [link removed] but realistically they have their own work and documentation can be a puzzle, so you only ever get things done if you just apply yourself and try! Then it's basically up to your capability. It took me months to actually get work, because I had no back ground and couldn't even decide what I could do, even when I was given options, in the end I just tried things and started feeling more confident and now pick things that I can/can't do!:) [link removed] be careful, you may get mundane tasks no one wants to do (good for practice without pressure) or something super difficult no one wants to do (good for visibility and respect of people who know you are willing to take a challenge) ahaha🤣