What are some of the best places for apprenticeships in banking / finance?

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I've heard about being able to study at uni and also get a paid job in an apprenticeship, but wanted to know which firms have the best uni options and a good work-study balance, and also a good environment. Thanks!

1 Shamimu (Finance | Degree Apprentice) 4 months ago

It’s hard to recommend the best places to gain an apprenticeship as it will be completely personal. The benefits of working in a large company is that you will be able to meet a lot of people from all backgrounds and really grow your network. Working in a large firm can be a great addition to your CV and there may be opportunity to move to different offices around the world after you've completed apprenticeship. The downsides are that you can feel relatively small in a big bank, the application process may be quite competitive, and you can be placed in various roles. and if you are part of a big cohort of apprentices your apprenticeship experience can feel less personal.  Despite this, I would actually recommend apprenticeships with a large cohort so that you can still have a good social life, a large group of apprentice peers so it will feel more like the ‘university’ experience . I would recommend the [link removed] Morgan Financial Services Apprenticeship scheme, which earns you a degree from the University of Exeter and you can choose between the Bournemouth and London offices.

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