Posted by : mitesh Time : 08/10/2018 08:42
Posted by : mitesh Time : 08/10/2018 08:42
Forum for online workshop with the Bank of England
Online workshop with The Bank of England for teachers, heads of year and careers advisors to network with a member of Early Careers Recruitment team who leads on school engagement and to learn about their Future Capability Programme
Yes - we'd love to attend a careers fair with you. I am unable to post my email address on here as it will be blocked out, but my understanding is that Success at School will share my contact details with participants afterwards so that you can reach out directly and we can take this forward.
We'll be open for applications for the Future Capability Programme from January 2019. There are a number of stages in the recruitment process; online application form, online test, video interview and assessment centre. Between the deadlines closing and the final assessment centre taking place (and therefore successful candidates receiving their job offer), there tends to be approximately 2 months. I hope that helps but let me know if you'd like me to expand on that.