Gsce's for law

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What gcse's do i need to go into law. I was thinking of becoming a solicitor. And also whilst im on the topic what lessons would i have to choose.

1 14friday-p 6 years ago

Mainly English

2 Jamiegoodland1 (Editorial) 6 years ago

Hi @Woodz276. Here are some resources for you:

Law apprenticeships - you can become a solicitor by taking an apprenticeship now, which means you get paid to train and your tuition fees are covered for you: Useful GCSEs include English (which of course you have to take) and history - these subjects encourage you to think about how to put together a convincing argument and support it with evidence. They also help you develop research and analysis skills. Many of your subjects will teach you the kinds of skills you'll need, which include problem-solving and analysis - skills you'll develop in your science subjects and maths too.

Here's an interview with a solicitor you might find useful:

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