Posted by : mitesh Time : 07/11/2017 09:51
Posted by : mitesh Time : 07/11/2017 09:51
In their Q&A, Humber UTC chatted with merchant-navy information organisation Careers at Sea. They covered:
How long are you at sea for in one period?
what are the lining conditions like
Good morning!
Good morning.
Good morning how are you
Hi, How long are you at sea for in one period?
What are your living conditions like?
The length of time you are sea varies entirely on the company you work for. You can be on a ferry working one week on/off, or working deep sea where trips are normally 3-4 months long. During your training you are likely to be away for longer trips to ensure you gain the right amount of sea time to qualify.
Is there any chance we could get work experience?
How long is the training, on average?
Obviously being at sea for 4 months is a long time, how are the living conditions.
How many people are involved in this chat at your side?
If you are completing a cadetship, then you will complete a three year training course with 12 months of this being at sea for deck cadets, and 8 months for engineering.
If you're at sea for months, what does the boat offer in terms of entertainment?
Work experience may be possible, but it depends where you are located and the companies that are nearby. It may be office work in the operation of a shipping company, but some companies will allow you on their vessel. This is something we may be able to help with if you are interested.
What sort of software do engineers at sea typically work with?
Where can we apply for this training? And where about is the training usually
Living conditions are good, and the food can be variable to the nationality of the crew on board. These ships are your home for the time you are on board and so they are comfortable for you to live on.
We are definitely interested!
We are located in the humber region, what kind of companies would it be beneficial for us to get in contact with?