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60 Second Interview – Trainee, asset management company
Hannah didn't know what she wanted to do when she left school – but she knew she didn't want to go to university. When she found out about the Investment2020 trainee programme, she realised she could use her skills to begin a career in asset management. In this interview, she talks about the journey she took to get there, and how to become a trainee in asset management.
Name: Hannah Bush
Company: Schroders Investment Management
Industry: Asset management
What is your job? Learning and development (Investment2020 trainee)
How long have you worked here? 8 months
Education: I completed a two-year BTEC level 3 extended diploma in business, which I passed with distinction. During this course I covered many areas of business including business management, accounting, event management, marketing, starting a small business, recruitment, website design and advertising.
What was your very first job?
When I left college my first full-time job was at International Financial Data Services (IFDS). IFDS are a third-party administration company, who work on behalf of investment management companies to help them achieve their business goals.
What did you want to do when you were at school?
I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do when I left school. However, I was almost certain that I did not want to go to university. Whilst working at IFDS I looked into what school leaver programmes there were available and came across the Investment2020 website.
How did you find out about investment management?
Whilst working at IFDS it gave me a good understanding about the financial industry and the many different management companies.
How did you get there?
IDFS was a good start for me to understand what the investment management industry is about. When I came across the Investment2020 programme at Schroders, I did an online application which was then followed by a video interview, assessment centre and a face-to-face formal interview.
What is a typical day like?
On a typical day, I travel into London by train which normally takes me 45 minutes. As a learning and development trainee the type of things that we deal with is organising internal and external training that we can offer to the whole business, as well as management, trainee and graduate programmes.
What’s the best thing about your job?
Since I have joined Schroders I have attended a lot of training sessions which has been really interesting. I have also enjoyed being part of the Investment2020 programme. It is a great opportunity to meet other trainees that are on the same programme as you.
What is the most challenging thing about your job?
It was a big change to what I was previously doing. I had never worked in London before and I had started working in a department that was new to me.
What advice do you have for people who want to do what you do?
I think it is very important to be hard working and willing to grab every opportunity. It is good to do as much work experience as possible and attend extra curricular activities. We are invited to all of the Investment2020 events, that we do not need to attend but they are always interesting and worth our time.
What things do you wish you’d known before starting your career?
When starting your first full time job I think it is difficult to understand how many job roles are available to you until you are working within the company. It is also very difficult to identify what your strengths and weaknesses are before you have started working within an office environment.
Where would you like to be in 5 years?
I hope that I am still working within learning and development as this is something that I really enjoy.
How can I follow in Hannah's footsteps?
Thanks Hannah! Maybe you've heard of analysts, market traders and fund managers – well, this is only a small part of the world of asset management. Investment2020 offers trainee placements for school leavers in all areas of the industry, from looking after customers and recruiting the best staff, to working with IT systems and keeping the business running smoothly. They look for intelligence, enthusiasm and most of all potential, so if you're excited by Hannah's story, the trainee programme could be perfect for you. You can find out more here on the Success at School website.
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